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Thursday, June 16, 2011

i miss everything...

people who are meant to be together
will always find their way back to each other.
they may take detours in life, but they're never lost.

kiss your significant other a little longer, hug them a little tighter,
and pray for them and the relationship, as you do for yourself.

this week is all about love for me...don't ask...
guess He's working through me a little more these days...


Emily said...

I love that song, but that video made absolutely NO sense to me! Am I the only one that thinks so?

I like your words today, thanks for sharing them. :)

Megan said...

Beautiful post. Thanks for reminding me to be so grateful! Praying for you, friend!!

Ashley said...

i'm so curious about your week! ;) but i love this song....make me always wish i had told "my guy" all the things he was for time :)