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Sunday, December 19, 2010

a bunch of mambo jambo.

i didn't plan on posting anything today...frankly, because i didn't have anything interesting to write about. after checking my email, i received notifications of new comments for my blog. i feel loved anytime i get emails like that. it really is the little things in life that can bring a smile to anyone's face. initially, my blog was for me. just to write. and then, people started to follow my blog and comment on my posts. little things like that really bring a smile to my face :) i've never been so much concerned with the number of followers i have, but the sweet comments are worth blogging. its always nice to get feedback from anyone who reads my blog. lets me know i'm not as boring as i think sometimes. lol. i really am grateful for the followers i have, the people who read this blog, and the people who comment on my posts. i definitely appreciate the love. i really do! and i really wish all of you a very merry christmas!

now that my mind is going in ten thousands different directions, i guess i'll keep writing...

yesterday, i went to the UNC vs. Texas basketball game with my dad. it was really nice to spend a little father/daughter time, especially at a sporting event. i love me some basketball. always have, but just can't play it worth a lick. although, traffic was a {insert curse word} and i froze my buns off, overall it was a really good game! by the way, Tar Heels lost if you didn't see the game on t.v. :(

let me just ask you it just me...hopefully not.

does it seem sometimes that the people whom have the "perfect life" complain often? i know, the perfect life does not exist. what i mean by that is...graduating from school, getting a new job, having a big family, being engaged, getting married, having a baby, or living in a house. those are just a few examples. i know some people who consistently complain about their social status, their spouse not doing something (they knew this before they got married), size of their home, the appearance of the spouse, family members making mistakes....blah blah blah...i tune out the complaints half the time, so i can't recall all of them. my point is...sometimes i just want to look at them and say...choose your battles. what does complaining solve if your not going to try and do something about what your complaining about in the first place? who cares if your "friend", boyfriend, or husband wants to sleep a little late on Saturday morning because he got home from work late the night before or he doesn't throw out the trash when you asked. really? or the fact that your boyfriend hasn't put a ring on your finger after a certain number of years? if you guys both have established marriage is something that's in ya'lls future and your trying to accomplish other goals patient. just because you may feel your the last single woman on the flash...your not! you want a bigger house? the house you live in now is too least you have a roof over your head. some things are so trivial and not even worth complaining about. yes, its easy as an outsider looking in to comment and judge. i had to learn the hard way to appreciate all of those things and only want some of these people to appreciate them now that they have them. from the bottom of my heart i truly believe gratitude is what humbles a person. be grateful for all of your blessings...whether is be your house, job, kids, spouse, money, friends, faith, love, happiness...etc. at the end of the day, your home is your "safe place"...take advantage and cherish all the "small things" in life like being with the ones you love.


Anonymous said...

Choose your battles... hmm... Being married to my husband was absolutely the hardest year I've been through. We fought more then ever and I was on edge the majority of the time. My very best friend in the world told me that I needed calm down and choose my battles. I love her for that because ever since then, I have complained much less and loved a lot more and our relationship couldn't be stronger. I stopped getting mad over stupid things like laundry or him not knowing I wanted him to do something when I didn't even ask if he could do it. I'm so glad she called me out because it was a very ugly spot I was in. I think some people just look for things to complain about which is sad.

Ashley said...

Thank you for sharing! Sometimes we do look for simple things to complain about, but at the end of the day all that complaining resolves nothing! Most of us do not realize that until something happens or somebody call's you out on it. You have a great best friend to do that for you!

melifaif said...

You hit the nail on the head, girlfriend. TRIVIAL!!! That is what it boils down to. I say, go be productive!!! I am thankful for you...I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Ashley said...

Awe, thank you so much girlie! I'm thankful for you as well and enjoy reading your blog! Merry Christmas to you and yours :)

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

I started a No Complaint challenge last week. It's liberating and I definitely recommend it. Even within our own lives we tend to want more...but if we step back and appreciate where we are, where we've been and what we have/are, there's so much richness in our lives. <3

Faith said...

you are so right on! it amazes me how people who should feel so lucky can complain ... it is a sin if you can't count your blessings.

i enjoy reading your blog and love when you have a new post! keep it coming! :)

Merry Christmas to you too!

Jessica said...

I love that line, "choose your battles" that is so very true. You have a precious blog, and an incredible outlook on life. I love that you are so real and just genuine in what you say. Merry Christmas, girl! xo

Ashley said...

I like the No Complaint challenge last week! That's pretty awesome!

@ Faith: Thank you so much for your kind comment! I enjoy reading your blog as well!

@ Jessica: Thank you for your nice comment as well! Your blog is pretty cool too! :) Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Ashley said...

love this post! i definitely feel you on the last part-so many people get flustered over the little things! thanks for the blog love-glad to have a new follower :)